EAL 49: Coronavirus - A Wake-Up Call for the Soul

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This third video in the 5-part series discusses the perspectives of the Soul in a practical, inspiring way.. This is one aspect of our lives that is rarely talked about… and it is playing a huge, surprising role in the events that are taking place. Find out how…

The time stamp below is coordinated with the Video Version of this episode.

0:45 Done just survive this interruption. Prepare for what our lives will be AFTER this crisis.

1:30 Use this time to evalue your life. Review of video one.

2:30 Become educated about Self, discovering how to create an improved new reality.

4:20 Video two was about learning to nurture the 3 facets of SELF.

5:30 Have you claimed the wonder, innocence and trust of a child? Do you know what it means to be a truly empowered adult?

6:10 We have an amazing depth of potential that most have not tapped - the Soul potential.

6:40 A child is not aware they are preparing for the next stages of life.

7:20 Can you name five examples of healthy, growing relationships?

8:45 Proactive breathing = connecting to your body sustains greater health.

10:05 The Soul Self can be a practical conversation

11:25 The adult understands what will set the child up well.

12:20 Child fears and choices can follow us into adulthood.

12:45 Math and reading are initial CHALLENGES that serve the child.

14:10 The adult is a guide that helps the child grow into more options.

14:20 The Soul is a guide for the adult and the child parts of Self.

15:00 The child considers challenge and pain or a threat.

15:15 An empowered adult considers challenges necessary to grow.

16:15 The Soul embraces challenge to invest in more capacities of Self.

17:20 The Soul understands the deepest truths.

19:15 An opportunity to be still and get to know more of Self.

20:00 Consider that our Souls have set us up for this challenge.

20:45 The Soul knows what we need to learn within this challenge.

21:45 School as an adult is more evolved, but still facing challenges.

22:30 Soul curriculum = learning how to love and value.

23:10 Soul wants to teach us about meaning, value and purpose.

24:30 The Soul already knows the opportunity of this global interuption.

25:30 The planet is attempting to wake up of Soul consciousness.

26:10 Challenge - to interrupt the limited choices that no longer serve.

26:50 Is this teaching you to value other people and what they offer more fully?

28:50 Shift from seeing this as “crisis” to a time of “challenge”

32:00 If you don’t proactively release energy, feelings will build up!

33:40 Use sound to EMPTY energy out of the body.

34:00 Imagine opening the top of your head.

35:45 People tend to avoid sound work. I promise that it REALLY helps!

PodcastRon Baker