Holding a Compassionate Place for Your Wounded Feelings


As we approach Thanksgiving and a major holiday season around the world, we all face going home to old family patterns. And we can all look forward to Aunt Flo asking us awkward questions in front of everyone, like "When are you going to get married?" Or "what are you doing with your life? Really?!? Oh."

This can be a true test of where you are in your empowerment process and claiming self.

In order to set yourself up well, make sure you know how to breathe proactively, that you make some clear decisions about who YOU decide to be while you are there (so you are prepared and set yourself up well), and perhaps instigate a meaningful conversation with someone specific that you value - so that YOU take charge of making it a meaningful time.

This week's episode of Nurturing Solutions for Seekers is all about learning to hold a space for your wounded feelings, which can certainly get triggered during the holiday time.

I hope you will go and watch... and tell your friends. We all need to stick together as we learn and grow!

I am grateful for you being a part of the community at ronbaker.net.
Let me know if there is anything you need.

Blessings at this Thanksgiving time (in the US).